Cookie, Session and Token
Browsing is significant in everyday life and unavoidable. Do you know how your data is stored and how you are getting the responses based on your HTTP request through the web browser? A session is created temporarily when the user wants to use a particular website. It refers to the user's visiting time and has other session-related details. The cookie and session are combined together to work for the user's better experience. The web browser sends the session ID with the cookie to the server to check the user is valid when they try to access another related page and the session ID is unique and hard to guess. The session information will be stored in the server's database only when the cookie has the session ID details. In the bank example, when the user logs in to their account, the session is created with ID and the session ends when the user logs out or is inactive for some time. A token is totally a different concept in which the server creates a token ID when the user ...