Embedded testing - Introduction (Part 1)

 I'm writing a series about my recent learnings in embedded testing. Here is the basic introduction about this topic with a simple example.

Scenario 1:

A patient books an online appointment to provide a blood sample for a hemoglobin level test.

To book an appointment, the patient only needs access to a web or mobile application. When a quality engineer tests the functionality of this appointment registration process, it is referred to as software testing.

Scenario 2:

The patient now wants to collect the test report after the blood sample analysis. To measure the hemoglobin level, the lab technician uses an automated medical device.

At this stage, if the quality engineer is involved in testing, they require both a physical device (hardware) to process the sample and an application (software) to enter or capture the details. When testing involves both hardware and software, it is referred to as embedded testing.

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