Essential Checklist for HTTP Requests in API Testing


This is an attempt to remind you what needs to be checked while sending and retrieving data from an HTTP request in API testing.

  1. Method - Ensure the appropriate method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) has been selected to send the request using any tools like Postman, SOAPUI, or Swagger.
  2. Host - The host plays a crucial role in hitting the exact server the user wants for the operation.
  3. Version of API - The version should be known before hitting the request. It helps to process the data in the deserved endpoint.
  4. Path - When the path is provided in the way where exact data is to be stored or updated, it reaches the destination correctly.
  5. Endpoint - It is the destination point. Though the entire direction is correct, if the request does not have an accurate endpoint, it leads to retrieving inappropriate data and is time-consuming.
  6. Request Payload - Payload is the data provided to the server to process the request correctly.
  7. Request Headers - It is crucial for communication between the client (Eg. Browser) and the server. Verify the request headers to understand the data flow if the system passes the valid data. Some of the commonly used headers are HTTP version, Accept, Accept-Language, User-Agent, Authorization, and Cache-Control.
  8. Response Status code - Verify the status code whether the exact code is displayed and whether the corresponding messages are delivered for easy understanding.
  9. Response data - Requested data should be processed and responded to by the client from the server without any malfunction or deviation from what was asked.
  10. What should I test? - Most importantly, one should know what should be tested based on the request. It relies on understanding the requirements and proper communication between the testers and others from the team.


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