Understanding of parseInt() funtion in JavaScript

parseInt() function in javascript is used to parse a string element and returns as an integer. 


It takes two parameters:

  1. String: The string to be converted to an integer.
  2. Radix (optional): An integer between 2 and 36 that represents the base of the numeral system used in the string. This is an optional parameter, and if not specified, JavaScript assumes the following:
    • If the string begins with "0x" or "0X", it is parsed as a hexadecimal number. (Example is given at last). It is always better to specify by the programmers for clarity and understanding.

                                   Syntax: parseInt(String,radix) or parseInt(String) 

    • Otherwise, it is parsed as a decimal number.

                                    Syntax: parseInt(String) 


Let us see the examples for a better understanding


var num3="0x12345";
var num4="0X12345";
var num5="0123";
var num6="0012345";

The result will be 


The conversion of hexadecimal to decimal numbers has been shown in the below image

Some examples of String

I initialize two variables as String. 

var number1="10";
var number2="20";
console.log("Type of number1 is "+typeof(number1));
console.log("Type of number2 is "+typeof(number2));

The result of the above code is

Type of number1 is string
Type of number2 is string


Example 1

When I try to add, it concatenates the values

//add two strings - concatenation
var total1=number1+number2;
console.log(`Total of two numbers is ${total1}`);


Total of two numbers is 1020


Example 2

When I try to add two numbers by getting the values, the output would be NaN. Because 'value' is undefined and it is a string.

var total2=number1.value+number2.value;
console.log(`Total of two numbers is ${total2}`);


Total of two numbers is NaN


Example 3

Use parseInt but add the numbers by getting the value of two numbers. Here also the output would be NaN. Because 'value' is undefined.

var total3=parseInt(number1.value)+parseInt(number2.value);
console.log(`Total of two numbers is ${total3}`);


Total of two numbers is NaN


Example 4

Converting string to an integer using parseInt() function and adding the two integers

//converting string to integer and then adding the numbers
var total4=parseInt(number1)+parseInt(number2);
console.log(`Total of two numbers is ${total4}`);

The result would be the expected one

Total of two numbers is 30

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


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